Who tf is you Excuse my French but who tf is you Why you think you can take life you didn’t provide Who said that’s what you should do Y’all way of thinking to me is crazy I am black Let’s sit for a minute and discuss the thinning Of ya brain which clearly is...
Posts About
Racial Justice
The State of Blackness and Our Relation to Change
For many people, February 2023 was a time to learn about Black history by uplifting important figures of the past and present-day times. At I Am Why our Justice Initiatives team decided to give reverence to Black culture by taking time to acknowledge the past while...
Colorism in Women of Society
While preparing for a webinar on colorism, I Am Why’s Racial Justice Team commissioned me to create a painting on colorism and women of all cultures. They asked me to do this after seeing my “I Am Woman” painting that I created while at Artistic Noise, one of I Am...