
Now what

What is being a woman

Nearly 50 years of growth

Nearly 50 years to be proud of

Nearly 50 years gone

How do I define myself now

What is a woman

I am courageous

I will fight

I won’t back down

I won’t let

Nearly 50 years go to waste

When I was born

I had 26-plus years of courageous woman

Behind me

Fighting for me

Now I’ll have conversations with the young women after me


I didn’t know I was living in a time where my access to reproductive healthcare 

was a gift 



We will gift the young women with the power of knowledge

Knowledge of power

Power to take ownership of their own lives

To live with no regrets

Too know that an overturning

Won’t overturn generations of liberty and strength


Now we are women


– Samantha, I Am Why consultant

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